Liquid products can be transported in the cabin under certain conditions and restrictions.
The Safety regulations apply to all liquids, aerosols, gels, pastes, creams, lotions, foams, jams, soft cheeses, etc. and to any other substance of a nature which is at least partially liquid at room temperature. Cosmetic and food products fall under these regulations.
A limited quantity of liquid products is allowed in the cabin: these products must be contained in tubes or flasks of less than 100 ml for each of the transported products, and these must be placed in a transparent and re-sealable bag of 1 litre maximum (or about 20x20 cm in size – such as a freezer bag).
You can also bring into the cabin the necessary quantity of baby food for the length of the trip, as well as medicines or products for medical use (upon presentation of a medical prescription).
Finally, products bought in the airport "Duty free" shops or on board a plane are accepted in the cabin if they are placed in a sealed, transparent bag with the receipt clearly visible inside the bag.
For further details, please consult the Ministry of Transport website: Click here.
Consult the security measures applicable on January 31 2014: Click here.
In the cabin:
The following items are not allowed in cabin baggage: Click here. Liquids are also subject to special restrictions: Click here.
In the hold:
Passengers are not allowed to carry the following items in their hold baggage: explosive or incendiary substances and devices likely to be used to cause serious injury or threaten the safety of an aircraft, in particular:
The following substances are also banned:
Certain items, such as hunting rifles, are allowed subject to approval, in hold baggage.
For further details, please consult the Ministry of Transport website: Click here.