Legal notices


Publisher is published by Aéroport de Lille SAS, a "Société par Actions Simplifiée" (simplified joint stock company) with a capital of 10 000 €, the registered office of which is located at Route de l’Aéroport 59810 LESQUIN,  entered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under SIREN 852559556, intra-Community VAT number:FR73852559566.

Address of the main establishment : Lille Airport – CS 90227 – 59812 LESQUIN CEDEX.

Telephone : 0891 67 3 2 1 0 (0.23 € incl. all taxes/min) from within France only; +33 320 496 747 from other countries.

Fax: +33/ (0)

Website : 

Email :

Information about the publisher

The website is published by Aéroport de Lille SAS.

Director of publication : Marc-André GENNART, in his capacity as Managing Director of Aéroport de Lille SAS

Editorial responsibility: Communication & Marketing Department.


SAS au capital de 10 059 500 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
Directeur de la publication : Octave KLABA


Clerc-com / 59236 Frelinghien - -

Data protection

The data that you have entered on may be stored to be processed solely by Aéroport de Lille SAS. You have a right to access, amend, rectify and delete data collected on this website, under the conditions laid down by Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (as amended) on information technology, data files and civil liberties.

  • In order to exercise said right, please contact the webmaster:by email at the following address – stating, in the subject line,"personal data "
  • or by letter to the following address –Aéroport de Lille SAS – CS 90227 - 59812 LESQUIN CEDEX


On its website, Lille Airport offers you a free subscription to its online newsletter the purpose of which is to provide you with news and information about promotions, concerning Lille Airport.In accordance with the regulations in force, subscribers that no longer wish to receive the newsletter can unsubscribe by contacting the webmaster:

  • by email at the following address – stating, in the subject line,"Unsubscribe from Newsletter "
  • or by letter to the following address:Aéroport de Lille SAS – CS 90227 - 59812 LESQUIN CEDEX

Copyright / Intellectual Property

Resa-Parcs.comAéroport de LilleLille Aéroport and the logos associated therewith are registered commercial brands. All rights reserved. All components of these sites (text, graphics, logos and images) are owned byAéroport de Lille SAS and its partners Reproducing and/or displaying and/or disseminating the website , in whole or in part, in any way and by any means whatsoever, and/or one or more of their components (including the brand "Aéroport de Lille" and/or its logo, alone or in conjunction with other items), is prohibited without prior written authorization from Aéroport de Lille SAS.

Non-compliance with the requirements stated above constitutes an act of infringement that may incur the criminal and/or civil liability of offenders. Lille Airport reserves the right to take any and all legal action against said offenders.

No hypertext links to the website may be put in place without prior written authorization from Lille Airport. Any requests to create such links must be sent to the above address.



All information contained in this website is given as an indication only and has no contractual value. Said information may be amended and/or updated without prior notice. The liability of Aéroport de Lille SAS may not under any circumstances be incurred in respect of any damage or prejudice of any sort whatsoever suffered by users through:


Other services not offered by Lille Airport and presented by third-party companies to which users might gain access through the website are not, in any way whatsoever, the responsibility of Aéroport de Lille SAS. Users are invited to familiarize themselves with the General Terms and Conditions of said services as placed online by the companies concerned.

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